Though we may seem dead…

We are not! I’m sure you guys are skeptical, and you should be, after all we vanished back in September, promising Flashman would be back soon, and we never delivered… But this time it is a little different. Right now I can’t say we’ve got a huge backlog of releases for you all, nor that we’re already working on episodes you haven’t seen a thousand times. Though that is the case, I can promise you all one thing: this project is not dead. And I have zero plans to let it die, too. Flashman is the first series I’ve had an interest in subbing, and one of my all-time favorite series, so I will see it subbed, or I will have brought dishonor to myself, my family, and my cow.

I won’t get into much detail as to why we vanished, so let’s just say real life took a toll on both of us, me and Someone New, but we’re fine now. We did, however, take up other commitments in fansubbing (as people who watch Love & Care’s Turboranger might have noticed, for my part – that’s late too, and I’m sorry). Someone New took up helping me and the good folks at Rampage Subs with a project that should be out soon (but I’m not promising anything until I’m sure).

First of all, expect Flashman to be back next month, tops. We won’t release it as a batch anymore, as that didn’t really work out for us, so we’ll restart from 1, and proceed from there at a pace still to be determined. We have revamped everything once more, so that these releases will please everyone. Well, that’s what we hope anyway.

Quoting Someone New for the reason for this post, “I wanted to surprise everyone when we got back because I thought all people thought we were already dead, but after Chris, one of the people that frequently visited the blog made a new comment I realised that not all people think we’re dead, and it wouldn’t be fair to leave them just hanging.”

Well, then, I’ll see you all soon, hopefully, with some Flashman for you to enjoy. If anyone wants me to ellaborate on why the hell we’ve been gone for so long, mail me @ or leave a comment, and I’ll gladly explain everything in detail. See ya, guys!


  1. Just take your time guys,I’m also subtitling the Tokusatsu Shows from the English language to my country’s Language (The Arabic Language) Because I just don’t know japanese,And I really would like to let anyone in my country to know about the Super Sentai History and how it begins?,Keep up the good work guys,I can wait forever. 🙂


  2. Thanks for the updates. Yeah, i knew the project wasn’t dead. But like you said, i can understand why some people are skeptical. That’s why i thought the 5 episode batch wasn’t really a good idea. It’s sad, but people don’t trust new fansub groups. Since batch of 5 episodes take more times than releasing something when it’s ready, it was obvious that a lot of people would thought the project was dead so i think it’s a good thing you changed that.

    Anyway, take your time. I think it’s important that you release something you’re proud of. Once again, good luck ^^


    1. I’m terribly sorry for this long, long delay. I’ll write a post later detailing the situation, explaining everything and all, but this is pretty much dead.


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